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Subelement A

General Information and System Overview.

Section 3

Sea Areas

Which of the following regions lie outside Sea Areas A1, A2, and A3?

  • Sea Areas only apply to Inmarsat footprint areas.
  • Sea Area A3-I Inmarsat coverage and Sea Area A3-S HF SITOR (NBDP) coverage.
  • Correct Answer
    Sea Area A4
  • There are no additional Sea Areas.

Which of the following regions lie outside Sea Areas A1, A2, and A3

(C). Sea Area A4

Since there are four (4) areas, the Sea Area A4 is the only one not in the question.

Good area and frequency descriptions on Sea Areas and Assigned Frequencies

See US Coast Guard article on GMDSS Areas and Search and Rescue Areas

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What sea area is defined as being within range of a shore-based MF station that provides for continuous DSC alerting?

  • Coastal waters
  • Sea area A3
  • Sea area A1
  • Correct Answer
    Sea area A2

What sea area is defined as being within range of a shore-based MF station that provides for continuous DSC alerting

Sea area A2

Sea Area A1 up to 20 - 30 nautical miles from the shore

Sea Area A2 up to 150 nautical miles from shore, and depending on atmospheric conditions the range may extend to 400 nautical miles

Sea Area A3 up to outside of A2, 70 degrees North and 70 South South, inside of INMARSAT (International Maritime Satellite Organisation) coverage

Sea Area A4 Outside Sea Areas A3, above of 70 degrees North and below 70 degrees South, so 20 degrees coverage, as latitude extends to 90 degrees.

See US Coast Guard pdf document on Digital Selective Calling,
and the pdf document Marine Safety Information Bulletin titled High Frequency Voice Distress Watchkeeping will cease at most locations on 7 February 2022

Good area and frequency descriptions on Sea Areas and Assigned Frequencies

US Coast Guard article on GMDSS Areas and Search and Rescue Areas

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If a vessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside the range of a VHF shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the vessel is operating in what area?

  • Correct Answer
    Sea area A1
  • Coastal and international zones
  • Inland and coastal waters
  • Sea areas A1 and A2

If a vessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside the range of a VHF shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the vessel is operating in what area

Sea area A1

Sea Area A1 up to 20 - 30 nautical miles from the shore. No problems with VHF line-of-sight communication.

Good area and frequency descriptions on Sea Areas and Assigned Frequencies

US Coast Guard article on GMDSS Areas and Search and Rescue Areas

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What is defined as an area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available?

  • Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IOR
  • Correct Answer
    Sea Area A3
  • Sea Area A4
  • Coastal and Inland Waters

What is defined as an area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available

Sea Area A3

ยง 80.1069 Maritime sea areas.
(a) For the purpose of this subpart, a ship's area of operation is defined as follows:

(1) Sea area A1. An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the International Maritime Organization.

(2) Sea area A2. An area, excluding sea area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the International Maritime Organization.

(3) Sea area A3. An area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an INMARSAT geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available.

(4) Sea area A4. An area outside sea areas A1, A2 and A3.

Good area and frequency descriptions on Sea Areas and Assigned Frequencies

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SITOR (NBDP) equipment is a partial or alternate carriage requirement under GMDSS for vessels operating in which sea area(s)?

  • A1
  • Correct Answer
    A3 and A4
  • A1 and A2
  • A1, A2, A3 and A4

SITOR (NBDP) equipment is a partial or alternate carriage requirement under GMDSS for vessels operating in which sea area(s)?

A3 and A4

(Sea area A3. An area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an INMARSAT geostationary satellite in which continuous alerting is available.

Good area and frequency descriptions on Sea Areas and Assigned Frequencies

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What is defined as the area within the radiotelephone coverage area of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO regulation for GMDSS?

  • Ocean Area Regions AOR-E, AOR-W, POR or IOR
  • Sea Area A2
  • Correct Answer
    Sea Area A1
  • Coastal and Inland Waters

What is defined as the area within the radiotelephone coverage area of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available as defined by the IMO regulation for GMDSS?

Sea Area A1

If a vessel is engaged in local trade and at no point in its voyage travels outside the range of a VHF shore station with continuous DSC alerting then the vessel is operating in what area (A). Sea area A1

Good area and frequency descriptions on Sea Areas and Assigned Frequencies

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