Frequency allocations; Emission modes; Spectrum sharing; Transmissions near band edges; Contacting the International Space Station; Power output
Which of the following frequency ranges are available for phone operation by Technician licensees?
Technician licensees have access to the 10-meter band between 28.000 and 28.500, however below 28.300 use is limited to CW and digital modes.
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Tags: none
Which amateurs may contact the International Space Station (ISS) on VHF bands?
There are no special requirements as far as licensing goes for talking to a satellite or space station; it's a station like any other, it just happens to be in a very remote location. As long as you are allowed to transmit on the uplink frequency (the frequency the satellite listens on) you can communicate through it.
Since any amateur radio operator with a Technician or higher class license can operate on the 2 meter and 70 cm bands, that means that those operators can also make contact with a station in space.
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Tags: license class 2 meter 70 cm arrl chapter 6 arrl module 16
Which frequency is in the 6 meter amateur band?
As an aid, convert the wavelength to frequency:
\begin{align} f_\text{ (MHz)} = \frac{300}{\lambda _\text{ (meters)}} \end{align}
So in this case: \begin{align} f_\text{ (MHz)} &= \frac{300}{6 \text{ m}} \approx 50 \text{ MHz} \end{align}
52.525 MHz is the only frequency in the 6 meter band.
The distractor answer 49 MHz is even closer to 6 meters in length, however, is outside of the US amateur 6 meter frequency allocation, which is the range 50.0 MHz - 54.0 MHz. The sub-band 50.0 MHz to 50.1 MHz is restricted to CW (Continuous Wave) only.
Hint: Subtract 1 from the band (6) to come up with 5. Only the correct answer (52.525) starts with a 5.
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Tags: frequencies 6 meter arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17
As an aid, you can convert the frequency (\(f\)) to wavelength in meters (\(\lambda\)) :
\begin{align} \lambda_\text{ (m)} = \frac{300}{f_\text{(MHz)}} \end{align}
( 300 is used to represent the true approximate number of M/S light travels in a vacuum. Which is about 300,000,000 meters per second. ) So in this case: \begin{align} \lambda_\text{ (m)} &= \frac{300}{146.52 \text{ MHz}} = 2.05 \text{ m} \approx 2 \text{ m} \end{align}
144-148Mhz is the frequency range allocated to ham radio operators in the 2 meter band, with 144.0-144.1 being allocated for CW mode only.
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Tags: frequencies 2 meter arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17
How may amateurs use the 219 to 220 MHz segment of 1.25 meter band?
Whenever there is a part of the band that is reserved for Data it is generally the lowest part, and so it makes sense that the range at the bottom of the 220 MHz range would be for data. In point of fact, all non-data frequencies allowed to ham operators in the 1.25 meter band (222 MHz) are from 222.0 to 225.0 MHz, and that block allows phone and image.
219 to 220MHz is for fixed digital message forwarding systems only.
See the ARRL Frequency Chart for a handy one-page reference to band privileges.
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Tags: memorizing frequencies digital modes arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17
On which HF bands does a Technician class operator have phone privileges?
Technician class operators are much more limited in their HF band privileges than General or Amateur Extra class operators. Remember that while Technician class operators have CW privileges on some other HF bands, they only have Phone, RTTY, and Data privileges on a portion of the 10m band.
This is why if you have an HF radio you will want to get your General class license sooner rather than later!
See the ARRL Frequency Chart for a handy one-page reference to band privileges.
An easy way to remember this is to look for the "1" first. Technician class is the first license.
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17
Which of the following VHF/UHF band segments are limited to CW only?
This is a trick question intended to confuse guessing attempts. There are no UHF (300-3000MHz) frequencies reserved for CW! But there are 0.1MHz regions of VHF reserved for CW on the lowest part of the 6m (50Mhz) and 2m (144MHz) bands for all amateur operators.
Just remember that above VHF, no frequencies are limited to CW.
See the AARL Frequency Chart for a handy one-page reference to band privileges.
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Tags: morse code frequency privileges arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17
How are US amateurs restricted in segments of bands where the Amateur Radio Service is secondary?
Secondary means that while amateur radio is allowed to use that band, amateurs are not considered the primary user. Therefore amateurs must give priority access to the primary users by not interfering with them.
The answers involving foreign amateur stations are not correct, they are still amateur radio operators, so they aren't protected by this rule. The only proscription on talking to foreign amateur stations is when their country does not allow communications with our country - there aren't many of those, but there are a few.
In the US, digital transmissions are allowed on the entire 70 cm band, so this choice is also not correct.
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Tags: frequency privileges secondary use arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17
Why should you not set your transmit frequency to be exactly at the edge of an amateur band or sub-band?
All of the choices are correct. Here is each one explained:
The frequency you set on a transmitter is actually the carrier frequency which is either at the center of the total bandwidth that you're using (for FM or non-SSB) or at the top or bottom of the bandwidth (for SSB). When you transmit on a frequency, you will actually use a little bit of bandwidth above and/or below that frequency (referred to as deviation) even with a properly calibrated transmitter!
Not all transmitters are calibrated perfectly, and so if you set your transmitter exactly on a specific frequency, say the bottom edge of the amateur portion of the band even when using upper sideband (USB), you may actually be transmitting illegally out of band, due to calibration error.
Some transmitters may drift a little bit off frequency during transmission as well (due to temperature changes as the radio gets warmer etc).
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Tags: best practices frequencies arrl chapter 5 arrl module 11
Where may SSB phone be used in amateur bands above 50 MHz?
Amateur radio operators have some portion of all amateur bands above 50 MHz where they are permitted to use SSB.
SSB is an abbreviation for Single Side Band, a type of amplitude modulation.
"Phone" means "voice."
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Tags: arrl chapter 6 arrl module 14
What is the maximum peak envelope power output for Technician class operators in their HF band segments?
Memory Aid: the 'maximum' happens to be the largest option given
This is a FCC regulation you just have to memorize. ('HF' has 2 letters, limit is 2-hundred W) Technician class operators are limited to 200W PEP (Peak Envelope Power) on any part of an HF band that they're otherwise allowed to use.
As always, FCC 97.313 says "An amateur station must use the minimum transmitter power necessary to carry out the desired communications."
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17
Except for some specific restrictions, what is the maximum peak envelope power output for Technician class operators using frequencies above 30 MHz?
For frequencies above HF frequencies (>30MHz), Technician class operators are generally allowed to use the full power of 1500W PEP allowed for amateur transmissions.
§97.313 Transmitter power standards.
(a) An amateur station must use the minimum transmitter power necessary to carry out the desired communications.
(b) No station may transmit with a transmitter power exceeding 1.5 kW PEP.
See CFR §97.313.
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Tags: arrl chapter 7 arrl module 17