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Subelement L01

Regulations, Part I: Radiocommunication Act and Radiocommunication Regulations.

Section L01

Authority to make regulations governing radiocommunications is derived from:

  • the Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service
  • the ITU Radio Regulations
  • Correct Answer
    the Radiocommunication Act
  • the Radiocommunication Regulations

key word: AUTHORITY. Countries administer radio within their borders and territorial waters. The Canadian parliament enacted the 'Radiocommunication Act' (a law). This law grants authority to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada to regulate radio communications. That department then issues 'Radiocommunication Regulations' where services such as the "maritime service", the "aeronautical service" and the "amateur radio service" are defined.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Authority to make "Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service" is derived from:

  • the Radiocommunication Regulations
  • the Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service
  • the ITU Radio Regulations
  • Correct Answer
    the Radiocommunication Act

key word: AUTHORITY. Countries administer radio within their borders and territorial waters. The Canadian parliament enacted the 'Radiocommunication Act' (a law). This law grants authority to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada to regulate radio communications. That department then issues 'Radiocommunication Regulations' where services such as the "maritime service", the "aeronautical service" and the "amateur radio service" are defined.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The Department that is responsible for the administration of the Radiocommunication Act is:

  • Communications Canada
  • National Defence
  • Correct Answer
    Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • Transport Canada

Transport-Canada [<1970] and Communications-Canada [1970-1993] HAVE looked after radio licences IN THE PAST. Countries administer radio within their borders and territorial waters. The Canadian parliament enacted the 'Radiocommunication Act' (a law). This law grants authority to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (Industry Canada till 2015) to regulate radio communications. That department then issues 'Radiocommunication Regulations' where services such as the "maritime service", the "aeronautical service" and the "amateur radio service" are defined.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The "amateur radio service" is defined in:

  • the Standards for the Operation of Radio Stations in the Amateur Radio Service
  • the FCC's Part 97 rules
  • Correct Answer
    the Radiocommunication Regulations
  • the Radiocommunication Act

Countries administer radio within their borders and territorial waters. The Canadian parliament enacted the 'Radiocommunication Act' (a law). This law grants authority to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (Industry Canada till 2015) to regulate radio communications. That department then issues 'Radiocommunication Regulations' where services such as the "maritime service", the "aeronautical service" and the "amateur radio service" are defined.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What must you do to notify your mailing address changes?

  • Correct Answer
    Contact Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and provide details of your address change
  • Telephone your local club, and give them your new address
  • Contact an accredited examiner and provide details of your address change
  • Write amateur organizations advising them of your new address, enclosing your certificate

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada must be notified WITHIN 30 DAYS of a change of address. (RBR-4, formerly RIC-2)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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An Amateur Radio Operator Certificate is valid for:

  • five years
  • three years
  • one year
  • Correct Answer

Valid for life. No annual renewal. No yearly fees. Allows operating anywhere in Canada.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Whenever a change of address is made:

  • within the same province, there is no need to notify Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • Correct Answer
    Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada must be advised of any change in postal address
  • Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada must be notified within 14 days of operation at the new address
  • the station shall not be operated until a change of address card is forwarded to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada

Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada must be notified WITHIN 30 DAYS of a change of address. (RBR-4, formerly RIC-2)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The Amateur Radio Operator Certificate:

  • must be kept on the person to whom it is issued
  • Correct Answer
    must be retained at the station
  • must be put on file
  • must be kept in a safe place

Station licenses used to be issued for a specific address. Keeping the Certificate at the address supplied to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is now the norm.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate shall, at the request of a duly appointed radio inspector, produce the certificate, or a copy thereof, to the inspector, within ____ hours after the request:

  • 72
  • Correct Answer
  • 12
  • 24

Holder of radio authorization has 48 HOURS to fulfill the request of a radio inspector. (Radio Regulations)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The fee for an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate is:

  • $10
  • $24
  • Correct Answer
  • $32

The initial certificate is free. There are no yearly renewals.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The Amateur Radio Operator Certificate should be:

  • retained on the radio amateur's person
  • retained in the radio amateur's vehicle
  • Correct Answer
    retained at the address provided to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
  • retained in a safety deposit box

Station licenses used to be issued for a specific address. Keeping the Certificate at the address supplied to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada is now the norm.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Out of amateur band transmissions:

  • must be identified with your call sign
  • are permitted
  • are permitted for short tests only
  • Correct Answer
    are prohibited - penalties could be assessed to the control operator

Out of band transmissions contravene the regulations of the Amateur service.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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If an amateur pretends there is an emergency and transmits the word "MAYDAY," what is this called?

  • A traditional greeting in May
  • An emergency test transmission
  • Nothing special: "MAYDAY" has no meaning in an emergency
  • Correct Answer
    False or deceptive signals

key word: PRETEND. This becomes a 'false or fraudulent' distress signal. It is an offence punishable under the Radiocommunication Act.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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A person found guilty of transmitting a false or fraudulent distress signal, or interfering with, or obstructing any radio communication, without lawful cause, may be liable, on summary conviction, to a penalty of:

  • a fine of $10 000
  • a prison term of two years
  • a fine of $1 000
  • Correct Answer
    a fine, not exceeding $5 000, or a prison term of one year, or both

False distress signals and interference are punishable by a fine not exceeding $5000 or a prison term not exceeding one year OR BOTH. (Radiocommunication Act)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What government document states the offences and penalties for non compliance of the rules governing radiocommunications?

  • The Radiocommunications Law Reform Act of 2002
  • Correct Answer
    The Radiocommunication Act
  • The Official Radio Rules of Canada
  • The Radiocommunications Regulations

Key words: OFFENCES and PENALTIES. Offences and their consequences are defined when a law is enacted by government; in this case, the Radiocommunication Act.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following is not correct? The Minister may suspend an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate:

  • Where the holder has contravened the Radiocommunication Act, its Regulations, or the terms and conditions of the certificate
  • Where the certificate was obtained through misrepresentation
  • Where the holder has failed to comply with a request to pay fees or interest due
  • Correct Answer
    With no notice, or opportunity to make representation thereto

key word: NOT correct. The holder is always notified of a suspension or revocation. Except for failure to pay fees, license holders ARE given a chance to make representations. (Radiocommunication Act)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following statements is not correct?

  • The person in charge of a place entered by a radio inspector shall give the inspector information that the inspector requests
  • Correct Answer
    A radio inspector may enter a dwelling without the consent of the occupant and without a warrant
  • Where entry is refused, and is necessary to perform his duties under the Act, a radio inspector may obtain a warrant
  • In executing a warrant, a radio inspector shall not use force, unless accompanied by a peace officer, and force is authorized

key words: DWELLING, NOT correct. A radio inspector may NOT enter a dwelling (house) without consent AND without a warrant. (Radiocommunication Act)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What age must you be to hold an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification?

  • 70 years or younger
  • 18 years or older
  • 14 years or older
  • Correct Answer
    There are no age limits

"There are no age or nationality restrictions to those who may take the examinations. Candidates must provide adequate photo identification to examiners prior to the examination." (RIC-3, Age and Nationality)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which examination must be passed before an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate is issued?

  • Advanced
  • Correct Answer
  • Personality test
  • Morse code

The Basic Qualification is the only examination needed to obtain a Certificate ( and a call sign ).

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Holders of which one of the following certificates may be issued an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate?

  • Correct Answer
    Canadian Radiocommunication Operator General Certificate Maritime (RGMC)
  • Canadian Restricted Operator Certificate - Maritime (ROC-M)
  • Canadian Restricted Operator's Certificate - Maritime Commercial (ROC-MC)
  • Canadian Restricted Operator Certificate - Aeronautical (ROC-A)

"Persons holding any of the following Canadian certificates may be issued an authorization to operate in the amateur radio service with the same operating privileges as the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic, Morse code and Advanced Qualifications: Radiocommunication Operator General Certificate Maritime (RGMC), ..." (RIC-3, Certificate Equivalency and RIC-16)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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After an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic qualifications is issued, the holder may be examined for additional qualifications in the following order:

  • Morse code after passing the Basic with Honours
  • Advanced after passing Morse code
  • Correct Answer
    any order
  • Morse code after passing the Advanced

After obtaining the Basic, the Morse or Advanced qualifications can be obtained in any sequence.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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One Morse code qualification is available for the Amateur Radio Operator Certificate. It is:

  • 7 w.p.m.
  • 15 w.p.m.
  • 12 w.p.m.
  • Correct Answer
    5 w.p.m.

The 12 and 15 words per minute Morse tests have long been discontinued. [ 15 w.p.m. discontinued in the 1990 Restructuration, 12 w.p.m. discontinued in May 2001. ]

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with the Basic Qualification is authorized to operate following stations:

  • a station authorized in the maritime service
  • any authorized station except stations authorized in the amateur, aeronautical or maritime services
  • Correct Answer
    a station authorized in the amateur service
  • a station authorized in the aeronautical service

Holder of radio authorization must limit his activities to services specified in the license. An Amateur Certificate is valid for Amateur bands only.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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What conditions must candidates to amateur radio certification meet?

  • Be at least 14 years of age and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Correct Answer
    Have a valid address in Canada
  • Be a Canadian citizen
  • Be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident

"There are no age or nationality restrictions to those who may take the examinations. Candidates must provide adequate photo identification to examiners prior to the examination." (RIC-3, Age and Nationality)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Radio apparatus may be installed, placed in operation, repaired or maintained by the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Advanced Qualification on behalf of another person:

  • if the transmitter of a station, for which a radio authorization is to be applied for, is type approved and crystal controlled
  • Correct Answer
    if the other person is the holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate to operate in the amateur radio service
  • pending the granting of a radio authorization, if the apparatus covers the amateur and commercial frequency bands
  • pending the granting of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate if the apparatus covers the amateur frequency bands only

key words: ON BEHALF OF ANOTHER PERSON. Installing and operating a radio station on behalf of someone else can only be done if the other person has an Amateur Certificate. Allusion to the 'Advanced' qualification is a misleading clue.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate may design and build from scratch transmitting equipment for use in the amateur radio service provided that person has the:

  • Basic qualification
  • Correct Answer
    Advanced qualification
  • Basic and Morse code qualification
  • Morse code with Honours qualification

"Advanced Qualification: all amateur bands below 30 MHz, transmitter power of 1000 watts DC input, build and operate transmitting equipment, establish repeaters and club stations. Basic Qualification: all amateur bands above 30 MHz, power of 250 watts DC input, build and operate all station equipment, except for "home-made" transmitters. "Build" in the context of the Basic Certificate is limited to the assembly of commercially available transmitter kits of professional design." (RIC-3, Privileges and Restrictions)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Where a friend is not the holder of any type of radio operator certificate, you, as a holder of an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic Qualification, may, on behalf of your friend:

  • modify and repair the radio apparatus but not install it
  • Correct Answer
    not install, place in operation, modify, repair, maintain, or permit the operation of the radio apparatus
  • install an amateur station, but not operate or permit the operation of the apparatus
  • install and operate the radio apparatus, using your own call sign

key words: FRIEND, NOT the holder of a certificate. Installing or operating a station on behalf of an unlicensed person is prohibited.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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A radio amateur with Basic and Morse code qualifications may install an amateur station for another person:

  • Correct Answer
    only if the other person is the holder of a valid Amateur Radio Operator Certificate
  • only if the final power input does not exceed 100 watts
  • only if the station is for use on one of the VHF bands
  • only if the DC power input to the final stage does not exceed 200 watts

key words: FOR ANOTHER PERSON. Installing and operating a radio station on behalf of someone else can only be done if the other person has an Amateur Certificate. Allusions to qualification, power and bands are misleading clues.

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of these statements is not correct?

  • An accredited volunteer examiner must hold an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate with Basic, Advanced, and Morse code qualifications
  • The fee for taking an examination for an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate at an Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada office is $20 per qualification
  • Correct Answer
    The fee for taking an examination for an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate at an Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada office is $5 per qualification
  • An accredited examiner may recover the cost of administering an examination

Key words: NOT CORRECT. "The Radiocommunication Regulations prescribe a fee of $20 for each examination conducted by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada personnel. This fee is charged for each qualification being examined. Morse code sending and receiving are considered to be one examination. The same fees are applicable to re-examinations. Accredited examiners may not charge this fee; however, they may recover, from the candidate, the cost of administering an examination. There is no remittance, in whole or in part, of these costs to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, as the Radio Regulations prescribed fee applies only to examinations conducted by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada staff." (RIC-1, Examination Fees)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following statements is not correct?

  • Correct Answer
    A disabled candidate must pass a normal amateur radio certificate examination before being granted any qualification
  • A disabled candidate, taking a Morse code sending test, may be allowed to recite the examination text in Morse code sounds
  • Examinations for disabled candidates may be given orally, or tailored to the candidate's ability to complete the examination
  • An accredited examiner may recover the cost of administering an examination

Key words: NOT CORRECT. "Accredited examiners may not exempt a candidate from the requirement for an examination. However, in the following specific cases, accredited examiners may provide accommodated testing when a candidate is unable to complete an examination due to a physical disability." (RIC-1, Persons with Disabilities)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The fee for taking examinations for amateur radio operator certificates by an accredited volunteer examiner is:

  • Correct Answer
    to be negotiated between examiner and candidate
  • always $20 per qualification
  • always free of charge
  • always $20 per visit regardless of the number of examinations

"The Radiocommunication Regulations prescribe a fee of $20 for each examination conducted by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada personnel. This fee is charged for each qualification being examined. Morse code sending and receiving are considered to be one examination. The same fees are applicable to re-examinations. Accredited examiners may not charge this fee; however, they may recover, from the candidate, the cost of administering an examination. There is no remittance, in whole or in part, of these costs to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, as the Radio Regulations prescribed fee applies only to examinations conducted by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada staff." (RIC-1, Examination Fees)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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The fee for taking amateur radio certificate examinations at an Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada office is:

  • $20 per visit, regardless of the number of qualification examinations
  • no charge for qualification examinations
  • $5 per qualification examination
  • Correct Answer
    $20 per qualification

"The Radiocommunication Regulations prescribe a fee of $20 for each examination conducted by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada personnel. This fee is charged for each qualification being examined. Morse code sending and receiving are considered to be one examination. The same fees are applicable to re-examinations. Accredited examiners may not charge this fee; however, they may recover, from the candidate, the cost of administering an examination. There is no remittance, in whole or in part, of these costs to Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, as the Radio Regulations prescribed fee applies only to examinations conducted by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada staff." (RIC-1, Examination Fees)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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Which of the following statements is false?

  • A candidate who fails a written examination for lack of reading skills may be given an oral examination
  • A candidate who fails a written examination due to not usually speaking English or French may be given an oral examination
  • An examiner may request medical evidence from a practicing medical physician before accommodating testing
  • Correct Answer
    A candidate with insufficient knowledge of English or French may be accompanied by an interpreter

"Candidates who have physical disabilities which prevent them from completing examinations in the normal manner should discuss their situation with their examiner to determine whether an accommodated testing procedure may be considered. The examiner may require that medical evidence from a practicing medical physician be provided. When a candidate fails a written examination because the language he or she normally uses is neither English nor French, or because academic limitations restrict the ability to read the questions properly, an oral examination may be given by the examiner". (RIC-3, Candidates)

Original copyright; explanations transcribed with permission from Francois VE2AAY, author of the ExHAMiner exam simulator. Do not copy without his permission.

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