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Subelement A

VHF-DSC Equipment & Operation:

Section 10

Antenna Systems:

It becomes necessary to construct a temporary VHF marine antenna. What should be the approximate length of the antenna?

  • 10 inches
  • 12 inches
  • 15 inches
  • Correct Answer
    18 inches
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Which of the following best describes a VHF collinear array?

  • Correct Answer
    An antenna with phased elements, omni directional radiation pattern, offering up to 9 db gain.
  • The cascade filters in the VHF radio's IF section.
  • A shoreside directional VHF yagi antenna.
  • A depth sounder phased array transducer.
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A masthead antenna with a base loading coil appears shorted to an ohmmeter check. What might this indicate?

  • Positive proof of shorted coaxial cable plugs.
  • Correct Answer
    May be normal for a well working shunt fed antenna system.
  • Immediately repair both upper and lower PL-259s.
  • No VHF antenna should measure a short circuit.  
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What is the most common type of coax connector used on VHF transceivers?

  • "N"
  • "BNC"
  • Correct Answer
  • "TNC"
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What type of coaxial cable would be most appropriate for a long transmission line run?

  • "RG-58/U"
  • "RG-59/U"
  • Correct Answer
  • "RG-174/U"
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What is a disadvantage when using high gain VHF antennas?

  • Poor horizontal radiation pattern.
  • Very high radiation pattern.
  • Very low radiation pattern.
  • Correct Answer
    Signal dropout in severe weather on small craft.
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