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Stop!! - NOW OFFERING – ALL DAY TESTING - Just Pick your Time for Easy and Instant Testing ALL DAY!

Mar 17, 2025 (Mon)
8:00-7:00pm EDT
Test Fee:
Remote session - see session notes
W5YI Licensing Services
Slots available:
no limit set
Notes from the team:

Welcome to the:

Amateur Radio Testing Group - N1ART

Testing is now easier and friendlier than ever with the convenience of Online Testing. Just imagine testing from the comfort of your own home as well as choosing the time you would like to take your HAM RADIO TEST. Our group has teams from coast to coast to meet your testing needs seven days a week.

Since you’re ready to start the process! What day and time would you like?


As soon as you register, please reach out to the group by calling the number below.

CALL or TEXT NOW at (407) 641-7378 or by email.

Amateur Radio Testing with your date and time zone you would like to test. We can personalize your desired time to test within your time zone. Then, sit back and look for your Zoom invite to arrive about 15 – 20 minutes before your scheduled date and time. That’s how simple the process is.


  1. Register for an Exam - Go to the Orange Register button below. Although your phone number is optional, it helps immensely if we need to contact you about your exam.** It is never shared or disseminated, promise!

  2. Then, follow the instructions you receive by email. This email will contain all the information and links you will need. Don't forget to submit your exam fee immediately using one of the links provided here, or in your email. (This will lock in your your registration.)

Please check your ** SPAM folder ** for possible misdirected email about your test session.

Important: For test session information and requirements:

Remember AFTER visiting this link, ART Exam Preparation USE YOUR BROWSER BACK BUTTON TO RETURN TO EXAM TOOLS. Payment must be received WITH your registration to lock in your registration.

About 15-20 Minutes prior to your exam, you will receive an email with the Zoom meeting information. Simply click on the link to join your exam. This works best with the ZOOM Client for your computer OS.

Your exam fee is $14.00 for W5YI scheduled testing.

Please follow one of the two links below pr use Zelle with the email to submit your exam fee.

** Pay With PayPal ** Friends and Family

** Pay With Venmo ** Friends and Family (LAST 4 of Phone # - 7378)

Zelle: ka3jca.testing@gmail.com

** IMPORTANT:** If applicant is under the age of 13, additional documentation is required. Please download and complete this COPPA FORM, then scan and email it to coppa@examtools.org. Please ** BCC / COPY ** the same form to scheduling@amateurradiotesting.org. This is for compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act.

To request a special exam session date or specific accommodations for your exam, please email scheduling@amateurradiotesting.org.