Apr-2025 open session
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Location: James City-Bruton Fire Station, 3135 Forge Rd, Toano, VA 23168
More info at: https://www.k4rc.net/testing-sessions/
Walk-ins accepted. Pre-registration preferred. Register via the link at bottom of this page or contact the VE team via web page above.
Day of the test, examinees must bring:
• An FRN if you are applying for a new license. It is free and only takes a few minutes on the FCC’s website. Instructions are here: https://www.fcc.gov/new-users-guide-getting-started-universal-licensing-system-uls and in this video https://www.fcc.gov/rofrn .
• A copy of your license if you are upgrading (copies will be collected and submitted to FCC).
• A photo ID
• A check or money order made out to ‘ARRL-VEC’ for $15 (no cash is preferred but we can accept it)
• For candidates under age 18 the fee is reduced, only $5
• A pen for filling out the Form 605 application
• Pencils for filling out the answer sheet
• A simple calculator if you feel you need one — no smart devices (i.e. watch or phone) will be permitted
Also, if you are sitting for a new Technician license, the FCC will want a $35 license fee to be paid separately and subsequently to the FCC to get the license issued. This fee does not apply to upgrades.