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In Person "Online Exam"

Jul 03, 2025 (Thu)
5:20-6:20pm MDT
GHRC: Gallatin Ham Radio Club
Test Fee:
219 E Tamarack St, Bozeman, MT 59715, USA
view map
W5YI Licensing Services
Slots available:
0 / 10 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

Exams for all Amateur Radio licenses are offered at this test session. The Exams are FRIENDLY and are NOT timed, you can take whatever time you need.

Before you click the REGISTER button below, please read all of the following instructions.

  • You MUST include a valid email and phone number during registration.

  • We DO NOTaccept walk-ins, please REGISTER.

  • **Registration for an exam CLOSES at NOON WEDNESDAY, the day before an exam session. If there is anyone registered, you may register until 5:00 PM Thursday.

  • If no one registers, there will NOT be an exam session.

  • Please arrive between 4:45 PM and 5:15 PM local Mountain Time.

  • The exams start promptly at 5:20 PM

  • NOTE: Permission to start an exam after 5:20 PM will be at the discretion of the Volunteer Examiners!

  • ** YOU MUST REGISTER WITH AN FCC FRN ** (FCC Registration Number). ** Click Here to obtain an FRN.**

  • Be sure your "REGISTRATION NAME" matches your "FRN NAME" EXACTLY!

Exam Location Information:

  • Exams are held at the Gallatin County Search And Rescue Building at 219 East Tamarack Street Bozeman, MT.
  • Please park on the West or North side of the building. Do NOT block the garage doors.
  • Enter through the North door, which is on the back of the building, the side opposite from Tamarack. The door will have a sign "HAM EXAMS HERE" on it. Go to the Training Room.

What to bring to the exam session:

  • $14.00 cash (exact change please) or a check made payable to GHRC-VE.
  • A Governemt-Issued photo ID.
  • Optionally bring a calculator on which all programming has been erased. Calculators on: cell phones, tablets, or laptops are NOT permitted.
  • Bring the PIN that is generated when you REGISTER. We can provide your pin if you forget it.
  • When you have completed all of the exams that you wish to take, Finish and Sign Forms, then wait until you are given the OK that all is done. Please leave the tablet and stylus on the table.

At the Exam Session:

State your name and take a seat where indicated.

Place your payment and ID on the table in front of you.

Please silence your cell phone.

Exam Session FAQs:

If you are 12 years of age or younger, do not register for an exam session until your parent or guardian has filled out the COPPA Parental Consent Form Click Here and has emailed it to coppa@examtools.org. Please send a courtesy copy to ki7xf@yahoo.com

The tests will be given on Electronic Touch Screen Tablets.

If you pass Element 2 (Technician), you may take Element 3 (General). If you pass Element 3, you may take Element 4 (Extra). We recommend taking the next element, even if you have not studied for it, as you get to see what the next exam is like! These exams are at NO extra charge.

If you fail an element, you may re-take the exam for an additional $14 fee, time permitting.

If you pass one or more elements, a Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (CSCE) will be emailed to you at the email address that you supplied during registration.

If you have an expired Ham Radio license, PLEASE let us know. Click Here By passing the Technician exam, you will get your expired license back, with a new callsign, up to and including the Extra class.

Exam results are electronically submitted for processing at the end of the exam session, it usually takes 1 business day for the submissions to be processed. Then the FCC will send an email to you, with a link to the site where you can pay the $35 FCC fee online. You must pay the fee within 10 days, or your submission will be deleted.

To pay the FCC $35 fee, go to this site and login with your FRN. Click Here USE A DESKTOP or LAPTOP COMPUTER, tablets and smart phones have problems with the FCC site.

To see if your license has been posted, use your FRN to check the ULS database. Click Here

To cancel your registration, or advise us of your late arrival Click Here

If this session if full, check back later, as we have occasional cancellations, and when demand is high, we add sessions.

  • Finally, if you have a question about an exam, then Click Here to contact us.

  • This is a link to our Club Web Site. Click Here

Here are some links to sites where you can take practice exams.

You MUST include a valid email and phone number during registration.