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October Corvallis

Oct 29, 2023 (Sun)
1:00-3:00pm PDT
Test Fee:
4077 SW Research Way, Corvallis, OR 97333, USA
view map
Laurel Amateur Radio Club, Inc
Slots available:
5 / 20 slots claimed
Notes from the team:

The Benton County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (BCARES) VE Team would like to invite you to an Armature Radio Technician License class, and VE Session. To be held October 27, 28, & 29 2023. The class and the VE session are both open to the public, so feel free to forward this to anyone who might be interested. The location is currently the Benton County Sunset Building on Research Way in Corvallis. There is the potential for that location to change to 205 N 5th ST in Corvallis if the new location comes online in time. To attend either the class or the VE session please register through the link at the end of the email so we can keep in touch with you about any changes of plans.

First some details about the class. The class will be held the evening of Friday October 27th from about 1800-2100 (6-9pm), and also on Saturday October 28th from about 0900-1700 (9am-5pm), there will be breaks for lunch and the like. The class will cover material for the FCC Amateur Radio Element 2 exam. Element 2 is the test required to be granted an Amateur Radio Technician license. For those who would like to do a little bit of prep work they may sign up at HamStudy.org and can do some practice tests and studying there. Also there are several books published for those who would like to do some reading. There are books written by the ARRL, Gordon West, and Stephen Horan, among others. While we can't vouch or recommend anyone in particular most of the books out there do a good job of covering the relevant material. We do recommend that you check with your local library first, as many of these books can be checked out with a library card and they don't do you much good after you have passed the test. If you do purchase one, consider finding someone to give it to when you are done. One important thing to note is the tests are updated every 4 years so the current test is part of the 2022-2026 update, books from libraries and some sold for cheap will be older editions. While most of the important information doesn't really change much from cycle to cycle, there may be content in older books that is less relevant for the current exam. HamStudy.org is always up to date. The class is offered free of charge.

Next is the review session Sunday October 29th from about 0900-1100 (9-11am) for those interested. While the primary focus is for questions you might have on Element 2, we will be available to answer any questions that we can. In the past we have had discussions on dealing with HOA's, volunteer service, advanced radio theory, you name it. This session is also free of charge.

Finally is the VE session Sunday October 29th from 1300-1500 (1-3pm), this is where you can take the test. Our team is accredited with the Laurel VEC, if you want to know what that means we can fill you in, but you don't have to worry about that. We will have testing available for all three elements (2, 3, & 4) for those who want to upgrade or try for the tech or general. You do not need to have taken the class to take the test. We do ask that you pre-register using the link at the end. There are two other things you will need to do before attending. First is for those who don't already have one to sign up for an FRN from the FCC https://www.fcc.gov/wireless/support/knowledge-base/universal-licensing-system-uls-resources/getting-fcc-registration . Second for those who haven't already sign up for an account at HamStudy.org and register for the exam. Searching for Corvallis should pull up our exam session. We are going to be conducting the exam through Exam Tools which is a platform related to HamStudy.org. If you have a laptop or tablet you would like to use please bring those. We will have the ability to have paper exams available on site as well. The cost of the exam itself is free of charge. Applicants who successfully pass a test and earn either a new license, or an upgrade will receive an invoice for $35 from the FCC for their fee. The FCC will not issue a new or upgraded license until the fee is paid, but once the fee is paid generally the new license is granted within a few hours. This fee from the FCC is relatively new, and is charge each time a new license is issued, renewed, upgraded, or when a vanity call sign is issued. Routine updates to your license can be made through the FCC for free (updating mailing address or other contact info). Please note that the address you use to sign up for the FRN does get listed publicly, and can be any address in which you normally can receive mail, such as a PO Box or a work address, and does not need to be your physical home address.

To register use the button at the bottom of the page. Please also fill out our interest form at https://forms.gle/vYxF8JZwkaUM2oQ68, this makes it easier for us to contact you if there are any last minute changes

We are also scheduling times in October and February so stay tuned for future dates.

Please contact me KE7OSN@gmail.com or Scott KF7GGN@gmail.com with any questions. Also contact me if you would be interested in joining our VE team.