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Advance registration at is encouraged.
A Federal Registration Number (FRN) or an FCC issued call sign is required to register. You can register for an FRN at Click on “Register” and follow the instructions.
When filling out the registration, please fill it in completely, phone number and middle initial are important, as is your e-mail address. If you are upgrading your license, you must register with the name as it appears on your current license.
Notes: This is normally an In-Person Computer Based Test. We will provide a tablet and the test is conducted using Exam Tools on-line. If we have technical issues preventing the use of Exam Tools, paper tests will be used instead. Bring the following to the exam session.
A legal photo ID If using a CSCE or other approved document for exam credit, bring the original and a copy of those documents for our records. $15 cash test fee (exact amount please, change may not be available)