GLAARG Online Exam Session | Sunday Funday! | Waivers available
Oct 23, 2022 (Sun)
10:00-1:00pm PDT
Test Fee:
Remote session - see session notes
Slots available:
13 / 12 slots claimed
Notes from the team:
Hello there and welcome to this session! We are excited to get you licensed and/or upgraded! Please see the information about the session below. Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or requests!
FCC amateur radio licensing registration
- Open to any person interested in taking a US FCC Amateur Radio Exam.
- All license classes (Technician, General, and Amateur Extra) are available.
- This session is only for taking the amateur radio exams.
- You can be from any state or country.
- Multiple exams are available for the same fee. Please make sure you have studied sufficiently for any levels you wish to test for. This is not a place to “try” taking the exam without adequate preparation.
- GLAARG exam fees are WAIVED for minors (under age 18), students, active military, veterans, and GLAARG VEs upgrading to Extra. You may submit the waiver form (which I will email to you a few days before the session) if you qualify.
- You will get an email closer to the exam date with a link for you to pay the $10.00 fee. This email will also contain the link to the waiver form. You will additionally get your applicant PIN once you have registered.
- Please either pay or submit the waiver form as soon as you are able to after receiving the email.
FCC application processing fee
- The FCC now charges a $35.00 fee for amateur radio license applications, renewals, and vanity call sign requests. This is applied to any sessions processed by or after April 19th, 2022.
- The fee is in addition to the VEC testing free.
- After successful completion of your exam, your license application will be processed and issued a file number. After the file number is issued, you will have 10 days to pay the processing fee online.
- After the file number is issued, you will receive a email from the FCC with instructions on how to pay the fee. This will involve making an account on the FCC CORES system.
- We understand that this additional FCC fee might not be the news he want to hear about. The FCC has changed fee structure across several radio license types. Amateur radio is still a wonderful hobby and we hope this will only be a small hurdle. Please let us know if you have any questions or need assistance!
Session participation
- Before the session, you will be emailed information on how to attend the session's Zoom meeting.
- Having the Zoom application installed is preferable, but you do not need to pay for or have a Zoom account. Joining the session is free and does not require an account.
- We prefer that you have a working laptop or desktop computer with sound and video. If you only have a tablet or some other device, please contact me and we will be happy to work with you.
- You may use a phone or tablet as a secondary device to show the room around you and to share your ID if your main device is not moveable or does not have sufficient camera quality.
- You must have a stable internet connection, a web camera, sound, and be able to access a modern web browser.
- Please become familiar with using the Zoom application menu and options. Make sure you have the latest version of Zoom working on your device and that you know how to join a meeting functionally.
- Have a testing environment that helps you focus on taking your exam. It should be clear of study materials and clutter as well as not interrupted by people, pets, or noise. It is preferable to use a single room rather than the “center of the house.” Some great examples include a porch, bathroom, patio, spare bedroom, and any other clean spaces. Be creative!
- If under the age of 13, please fill out the COPPA Parental Consent Form and email to and
This session is full!